Hindle Drive, Oldham, OL2 5LU
0161 624 9019

Class Teacher:

Miss Woolley                         LSA: Mrs. Legge

Our Classroom

Home learning expectations:

Read at home at least 3 times per week.

Learn spellings - Spelling Shed

Practise times tables - TTRS

Work through corrections from Maths Skills

Children are welcome to complete projects based on our current topic for History, Geography or Science. They can be brought into school for us to share and display.

Year 4 choral speaking performance - March 2024

Winners of the Mel Farrer Trophy



This half term we will be learning:

English - reading Marcy and the Riddle of the Sphinx and writing our instructions.

Maths - decimals, money and time.

Science - sound

History - Ancient Egypt

Music - Brass

P.E - Rounders and Dance.

Spanish - Days, months and seasons

Computing - coding







This half term we will be learning:

English - reading The Egyptian Cinderella and writing our own adventure stories and poems.

Maths - adding and subtracting fractions and measurement.

History - Ancient Egypt

Music - Brass

P.E - Tennis and fitness.

Spanish - my family

Computing - coding




This half term we will be learning:

English - reading Rhythm of the Rain and writing an explanation text about The Water Cycle.

Maths - multiplication and division, fractions and decimals.

Science - Solids, liquids and gases.

Geography - The Water Cycle.

Music - Brass

P.E - Hockey and gymnastics.

Spanish - meeting and greeting

Computing - Data Logging





This half term we will be learning:

English - reading Escape from Pompeii and writing our own stories and a setting description.

Maths - Addition and Subtraction, Area and Multiplication and Division.

Science - Electricity

History - The Romans

D&T - mechanisms

P.E - swimming and attacking and defending skills through cricket

Music - brass


PSHE - finding help and solving problems



This half term we will be learning:

English - reading The Incredible Book Eating Boy and writing our own stories and letters.

Maths - Place Value with 4 digit numbers and Addition and Subtraction.

Science - The Digestive System

History - The Romans

Art - mosaic collages

P.E - swimming and attacking and defending skills through basketball

Music - brass


PSHE - Friendship


Hindle Drive, Oldham, OL2 5LU
0161 624 9019

Class Teacher:

Miss Woolley                         LSA: Mrs. Legge

Our Classroom

Home learning expectations:

Read at home at least 3 times per week.

Learn spellings - Spelling Shed

Practise times tables - TTRS

Work through corrections from Maths Skills

Children are welcome to complete projects based on our current topic for History, Geography or Science. They can be brought into school for us to share and display.

Year 4 choral speaking performance - March 2024

Winners of the Mel Farrer Trophy



This half term we will be learning:

English - reading Marcy and the Riddle of the Sphinx and writing our instructions.

Maths - decimals, money and time.

Science - sound

History - Ancient Egypt

Music - Brass

P.E - Rounders and Dance.

Spanish - Days, months and seasons

Computing - coding







This half term we will be learning:

English - reading The Egyptian Cinderella and writing our own adventure stories and poems.

Maths - adding and subtracting fractions and measurement.

History - Ancient Egypt

Music - Brass

P.E - Tennis and fitness.

Spanish - my family

Computing - coding




This half term we will be learning:

English - reading Rhythm of the Rain and writing an explanation text about The Water Cycle.

Maths - multiplication and division, fractions and decimals.

Science - Solids, liquids and gases.

Geography - The Water Cycle.

Music - Brass

P.E - Hockey and gymnastics.

Spanish - meeting and greeting

Computing - Data Logging





This half term we will be learning:

English - reading Escape from Pompeii and writing our own stories and a setting description.

Maths - Addition and Subtraction, Area and Multiplication and Division.

Science - Electricity

History - The Romans

D&T - mechanisms

P.E - swimming and attacking and defending skills through cricket

Music - brass


PSHE - finding help and solving problems



This half term we will be learning:

English - reading The Incredible Book Eating Boy and writing our own stories and letters.

Maths - Place Value with 4 digit numbers and Addition and Subtraction.

Science - The Digestive System

History - The Romans

Art - mosaic collages

P.E - swimming and attacking and defending skills through basketball

Music - brass


PSHE - Friendship