Hindle Drive, Oldham, OL2 5LU
0161 624 9019

Collective Worship at St. Paul's

What is Collective Worship?

 Collective Worship is an educational activity or experience

  •  To which all can contribute
  • From which all can gain 

It is central to education in our school and forms an essential part of the school’s overall provision for prayer and worship. 

Collective Worship in our school respects the diversity of belief and commitment, but it is Christian in character, reflecting in the liturgical tradition of the Church and having Christ at its heart. 


 The aim of collective worship at St Paul's Church of England Primary School is best characterised by the above statements. We seek to provide opportunities, formally and informally, for pupils, staff and sometimes parents, to worship together. Pupils are encouraged to participate and respond, either actively in the presentation of worship or by listening and joining in the celebration.


 All pupils will celebrate an act of collective worship each day; generally, there will be two occasions each week when larger groups, usually whole school, will gather together to worship.

 Whole School Collective worship will normally take place in the school hall where the whole family of St. Paul's can 'grow together' spiritually. THere are opportunities for ey stage Collective Worship to acknolwedge the understanding may require adaptation for different ages and classes hold individual collective worship for their own peer groups to understand how they can 'make a difference' throughh discussing Picture News together and key stages share collective worship spirituallythrough worship, songs and praise. We also love to come together as a school in St. Paul's Church several times across the year. (please seeour timetable of these events for 2023.2024 below.

Monday - Shine  Worship  - Whole School

Tuesday - Faith Worship - Key stages

Wednesday - Picture News and theological reflection - Class based

Thursday - Spiritual worship  through sung praise - Key stage and choir based

Friday - Joyful Worship  clebrating learning - whole school


There are timetabled opportunities for classes to celebrate theirown collective worship on a chosen theme which is presented to children, staff and parents throughout the year.

Please find our timetable for school services taking place in church 223.2024.

Please go onto the School Information page to find out about our Harvest Festival held in church this year 2023.

Our weekly Star Awards are given to children for academic learning chosen by the teaching staff and for demonstrating the school vision and values as chose by the children. The children celebrate  how they have 'Shone' and 'Made a Difference' in school.




Day and date




Friday September 29th

9:45 a.m.


Whole school. Reception upwards

Each class sing a harvest song (Bluebell and Daisy together or they can join their peer groups in mainstream)

Reception  will receive their Bible story book during the service

Friday November 10th


Remembrance Service in school

Whole school and invited neighbours and British Legion  to attend.

Friday December 8th

9:00 a.m.

Christingle making in school

Church  community volunteers  come to make these with the children ready for Sunday

Sunday December 8th

4:00 p.m.

Christingle service

Service led by school-prayers etc may be a drama this year?

Choir singing invite to whole school families invited to attend

Monday 18th December

7:00 p.m.

School Choir and Uppermill Brass

All families can purchase tickets

Tuesday December 19th

(break up 3:15 Wednesday)

9:45 a.m.

School Christmas Service

Whole school Nursery upwards

Year 2 provide the nativity tableau

Readings and songs by whole school

Friday 26th January

9:45 a.m.

St Pauls Day  celebrating the transformation  from Saul To Paul

Whole school

Presentations from classes on the theme of change

Thursday 28th March


Break up this day 1t 3:15

9:45 a.m.

School Easter Service

Whole school

Year 6 provide the Passsion drama

Sunday 19th May

9:15 -12:00

St Pauls Church Whit Walks

School invited to attend, make a banner and whole school walk behind the church around Royton

Tuesday 23rd July


Year 6 Leavers Service

Whole  school and families invited to attend


Please enjoy some of our most recent examples where  our children have led and particiated in memorable collective worship

 Why Collective Worship?

 Collective Worship in our school provides opportunities for learners and staff to come together to worship God.

To reflect on spiritual and moral beliefs

To reflect on personal beliefs

To respond to and celebrate life

To enable and encourage a sense of belonging

To reinforce positive attitudes

To mark us as special

To come to terms with

To give worth to

To wonder at

To build a firm foundation for liturgy

To contemplate something of the Mystery of God

To take time out

To develop a community spirit

To enrich the religious experience of children and staff

To encourage a common ethos and shared values


Collective Worship Policy





Hindle Drive, Oldham, OL2 5LU
0161 624 9019

Collective Worship at St. Paul's

What is Collective Worship?

 Collective Worship is an educational activity or experience

  •  To which all can contribute
  • From which all can gain 

It is central to education in our school and forms an essential part of the school’s overall provision for prayer and worship. 

Collective Worship in our school respects the diversity of belief and commitment, but it is Christian in character, reflecting in the liturgical tradition of the Church and having Christ at its heart. 


 The aim of collective worship at St Paul's Church of England Primary School is best characterised by the above statements. We seek to provide opportunities, formally and informally, for pupils, staff and sometimes parents, to worship together. Pupils are encouraged to participate and respond, either actively in the presentation of worship or by listening and joining in the celebration.


 All pupils will celebrate an act of collective worship each day; generally, there will be two occasions each week when larger groups, usually whole school, will gather together to worship.

 Whole School Collective worship will normally take place in the school hall where the whole family of St. Paul's can 'grow together' spiritually. THere are opportunities for ey stage Collective Worship to acknolwedge the understanding may require adaptation for different ages and classes hold individual collective worship for their own peer groups to understand how they can 'make a difference' throughh discussing Picture News together and key stages share collective worship spirituallythrough worship, songs and praise. We also love to come together as a school in St. Paul's Church several times across the year. (please seeour timetable of these events for 2023.2024 below.

Monday - Shine  Worship  - Whole School

Tuesday - Faith Worship - Key stages

Wednesday - Picture News and theological reflection - Class based

Thursday - Spiritual worship  through sung praise - Key stage and choir based

Friday - Joyful Worship  clebrating learning - whole school


There are timetabled opportunities for classes to celebrate theirown collective worship on a chosen theme which is presented to children, staff and parents throughout the year.

Please find our timetable for school services taking place in church 223.2024.

Please go onto the School Information page to find out about our Harvest Festival held in church this year 2023.

Our weekly Star Awards are given to children for academic learning chosen by the teaching staff and for demonstrating the school vision and values as chose by the children. The children celebrate  how they have 'Shone' and 'Made a Difference' in school.




Day and date




Friday September 29th

9:45 a.m.


Whole school. Reception upwards

Each class sing a harvest song (Bluebell and Daisy together or they can join their peer groups in mainstream)

Reception  will receive their Bible story book during the service

Friday November 10th


Remembrance Service in school

Whole school and invited neighbours and British Legion  to attend.

Friday December 8th

9:00 a.m.

Christingle making in school

Church  community volunteers  come to make these with the children ready for Sunday

Sunday December 8th

4:00 p.m.

Christingle service

Service led by school-prayers etc may be a drama this year?

Choir singing invite to whole school families invited to attend

Monday 18th December

7:00 p.m.

School Choir and Uppermill Brass

All families can purchase tickets

Tuesday December 19th

(break up 3:15 Wednesday)

9:45 a.m.

School Christmas Service

Whole school Nursery upwards

Year 2 provide the nativity tableau

Readings and songs by whole school

Friday 26th January

9:45 a.m.

St Pauls Day  celebrating the transformation  from Saul To Paul

Whole school

Presentations from classes on the theme of change

Thursday 28th March


Break up this day 1t 3:15

9:45 a.m.

School Easter Service

Whole school

Year 6 provide the Passsion drama

Sunday 19th May

9:15 -12:00

St Pauls Church Whit Walks

School invited to attend, make a banner and whole school walk behind the church around Royton

Tuesday 23rd July


Year 6 Leavers Service

Whole  school and families invited to attend


Please enjoy some of our most recent examples where  our children have led and particiated in memorable collective worship

 Why Collective Worship?

 Collective Worship in our school provides opportunities for learners and staff to come together to worship God.

To reflect on spiritual and moral beliefs

To reflect on personal beliefs

To respond to and celebrate life

To enable and encourage a sense of belonging

To reinforce positive attitudes

To mark us as special

To come to terms with

To give worth to

To wonder at

To build a firm foundation for liturgy

To contemplate something of the Mystery of God

To take time out

To develop a community spirit

To enrich the religious experience of children and staff

To encourage a common ethos and shared values


Collective Worship Policy
