Hindle Drive, Oldham, OL2 5LU
0161 624 9019



Chair of Governors: Mrs J. Wright (Foundation)

Vice Chair of Governors: Mr. P. Schofield (Foundation)


Foundation Governors:

Miss S Lees

Miss J Fletcher

Mrs R Krigers

Mr D Mullin


LEA Governor: Mrs N Callahan


Parent Governor: Mr T Hurdus

Parent Governor: Vacant


Staff Governor: Mrs. H. Hilditch


Associate Governors: Mrs H Green 


Headteacher Governor: Mrs. H. Henderson


Church Links: Mr T Hawkins - Church PCC Chair and Church Warden

                         Rev D Rambles - Area Dean for Oldham and Rochdale -Ex Officio Governor

Please click on the links below to view the Governing Board committee structure and Register of Governors' interests based on the current information available.

Governing Board committee structure 2023-2024

Register of business and pecuniary interests 2022.docx

Register of Business and Pecuniary Interests 2023.docx

Please click on link to view Governor attendance 


Governor attendance 2021-23docx

Governor Attendance 23/24docx

Governor training record .docx

Please click on the link below to view.

St Paul’s Governor Code of Conduct

Governor Action Plan and Review 2021-2022

Governor Action Plan 2022-23

Governor Action Plan and review 2022-23

Governor Action Plan 23-24



Full Governor Body Minutes

Hindle Drive, Oldham, OL2 5LU
0161 624 9019



Chair of Governors: Mrs J. Wright (Foundation)

Vice Chair of Governors: Mr. P. Schofield (Foundation)


Foundation Governors:

Miss S Lees

Miss J Fletcher

Mrs R Krigers

Mr D Mullin


LEA Governor: Mrs N Callahan


Parent Governor: Mr T Hurdus

Parent Governor: Vacant


Staff Governor: Mrs. H. Hilditch


Associate Governors: Mrs H Green 


Headteacher Governor: Mrs. H. Henderson


Church Links: Mr T Hawkins - Church PCC Chair and Church Warden

                         Rev D Rambles - Area Dean for Oldham and Rochdale -Ex Officio Governor

Please click on the links below to view the Governing Board committee structure and Register of Governors' interests based on the current information available.

Governing Board committee structure 2023-2024

Register of business and pecuniary interests 2022.docx

Register of Business and Pecuniary Interests 2023.docx

Please click on link to view Governor attendance 


Governor attendance 2021-23docx

Governor Attendance 23/24docx

Governor training record .docx

Please click on the link below to view.

St Paul’s Governor Code of Conduct

Governor Action Plan and Review 2021-2022

Governor Action Plan 2022-23

Governor Action Plan and review 2022-23

Governor Action Plan 23-24



Full Governor Body Minutes

Hindle Drive, Oldham, OL2 5LU
0161 624 9019



Chair of Governors: Mrs J. Wright (Foundation)

Vice Chair of Governors: Mr. P. Schofield (Foundation)


Foundation Governors:

Miss S Lees

Miss J Fletcher

Mrs R Krigers

Mr D Mullin


LEA Governor: Mrs N Callahan


Parent Governor: Mr T Hurdus

Parent Governor: Vacant


Staff Governor: Mrs. H. Hilditch


Associate Governors: Mrs H Green 


Headteacher Governor: Mrs. H. Henderson


Church Links: Mr T Hawkins - Church PCC Chair and Church Warden

                         Rev D Rambles - Area Dean for Oldham and Rochdale -Ex Officio Governor

Please click on the links below to view the Governing Board committee structure and Register of Governors' interests based on the current information available.

Governing Board committee structure 2023-2024

Register of business and pecuniary interests 2022.docx

Register of Business and Pecuniary Interests 2023.docx

Please click on link to view Governor attendance 


Governor attendance 2021-23docx

Governor Attendance 23/24docx

Governor training record .docx

Please click on the link below to view.

St Paul’s Governor Code of Conduct

Governor Action Plan and Review 2021-2022

Governor Action Plan 2022-23

Governor Action Plan and review 2022-23

Governor Action Plan 23-24



Full Governor Body Minutes